AT&T continues LTE rollout, goal to reach 50 more markets before 2014


AT&T is hard at work trying to roll out their LTE network across USA.  Verizon, currently in the lead for having the largest LTE network, is keeping its distance from its competitors.  However, AT&T seems to be slowly catching up.  Recent reports suggest that AT&T not only has the fastest LTE network right now, but also the most reliable.

Before the end of 2013, the carrier is looking to reach 50 new markets.  This week, the company is reaching out to 10 new markets, shown below:

Ruston, Louisiana; New Bern, North Carolina; State College, Pennsylvania; Georgetown, South Carolina; Jayuya, Puerto Rico

Here are the rest of the markets that AT&T will be reaching out to before the end of 2013:

Fairbanks, Ark.; Dothan and Selma, Ala.; Redding, Calif.; Durango and Pueblo, Col.; Tifton and Waycross, Ga.; Kauai and The Big Island, Hawaii; Des Moines, Iowa; Twin Falls, Idaho; Lewiston, Idaho; Decatur, Kankakee-Bradley and Peoria, Ill., Paducah, Ken.; Alexandria and Lake Charles, La.; Lewiston-Auburn, Maine; Battle Creek and Jackson, Mich.; Joplin, Poplar Bluff and Rolla, Mo.; Brookhaven, McComb and Natchez, Miss.; Kalispell, Mon.; Greenville and Jacksonville, N.C.; Fargo, N.D.; Elmira and  Utica-Rome, N.Y.; Portsmouth and Sandusky, Ohio; East Stroudsburg and Pottsville, Pa.; Abilene, Amarillo, Longview, Marshall, San Angelo and Tyler, Texas; Port Angeles, Wash.; Appleton, Fond du Lac and Oshkosh-Neenah, Wis.; Gillette and Sheridan, Wyo.

The company had a goal set of reaching out to 270 million people with LTE by the end of 2013, and so far, it is on track on completing that goal.  AT&T is currently in second place with second largest LTE network, with Sprint and T-Mobile way behind it.  Sprint it seems has been at snail pace with their LTE roll out, however, with the recent investment by SoftBank, the company may speed up its LTE roll out.

Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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