Lyft has been expanding its business a lot in the recent years and taking huge chunks of Uber’s market share. The company has created quite the reputation for itself as well. Now, the company is offering free rides for students to the March For Our Lives protest which is set to take place in Washington D.C. later this month.
If you don’t know what March for Our Lives is, it’s a response by students because of the recent Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting. They hope to shame Congress into working to stop the school mass shootings in American. The March For Our Lives protest is scheduled for March 24.

“We believe there is something seriously wrong when the threat of gun violence is so frequent and real throughout our country. And like many, we are inspired by your leadership,” Logan Green and John Zimmer, founders of Lyft, said in a letter to the organizers behind March For Our Lives.
“Recent tragedies have created a lot of fear and uncertainty, and as new parents, those feelings have taken on new meaning. Your bravery and intelligence have provided a renewed and much-needed hope for our future. We are incredibly grateful for the example you are setting.”
If you’re taking part in the March For Our Lives protest, be sure to get the Lyft app on your phone.