Report: BlackBerry CEO considering to take the company private


The once flourishing RIM is now a struggling company.  While releasing new dated smartphones such as the Z10 has helped the company gain attention, that does not seem enough for the company to turn a profit and gain market share.  BlackBerry (former Research In Motion) has been looking at several different options on the table, but CEO Thorsten Heins and the board are now looking at one option in particular, taking the company private.

In a new report by Nadia Damouni, Euan Rocha and Greg Roumeliotis at Reuters, BlackBerry may be considering the option to take the company private.  Ever since the company went public in 1998, it has been innovating for the first part of the decade, but ever since the smartphone industry started to reshape itself, BlackBerry slowly got left behind due to the lack of innovation on their part.

While BlackBerry 10 as well as newly released smartphones like Z10 and the Q10 have gotten attention, the company continues to lose market share.  BlackBerry came into the new game quite late.  Microsoft’s Windows Phone is in the same situation where the market is currently run over by Apple-Samsung duopoly that other Operating System’s are not able to gain share as easily.  From the looks of it, as BlackBerry continues to lose market share, Windows Phone continues to slowly gain market share.

Here is what an unnamed source stated (via Reuters);

Chief Executive Thorsten Heins and the company’s board is increasingly coming around to the idea that taking BlackBerry private would give them breathing room to fix its problems out of the public eye, the sources said.

While taking the company private may seem like a good option, will BlackBerry ever be able to recover from the loses?

Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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