Rihanna bashes Snapchat over an ad that mocked domestic violence

Rihanna bashes Snapchat over an ad that mocked domestic violence

Looks like Snapchat is taking some heat again over domestic violence ads on its platform. We previously learned that Snapchat allowed such ad on its platform, and now it appears that Rihanna has come across a similar type of ad.

Apparently, the ad was for a game and asked if viewers would rather “Slap Rihanna” or “Punch Chris Brown,” which likely was a reference to Brown’s 2009 felony assault on Rihanna. Snap has apologized for letting the ad throng, and told BBC that the ad had been published in error and was removed immediately.

Rihanna has seen the ad and responded to it on her Instagram Story. As you’d expect, Snap came back with another apology.

When Snap pulled the offending at, it said, “The advert was reviewed and approved in error, as it violates our advertising guidelines. We immediately removed the ad last weekend, once we became aware.” It also added, “We are sorry that this happened.” Per Snap’s advertising policy, the ad was in violation. In the policy, Snap deems the content “shocking, sensational or disrespectful.”

Rihanna isn’t the biggest fan of Snapchat and she made that very clear. She said that the company “spent money to animate something that would intentionally bring shame to [domestic violence] victims and made a joke of it!!” The ad didn’t originate on Snapchat, but Rihanna said, “Shame on you,” for letting the ad through. She then said, “Throw the whole app-oligy away.”

Snap responded again today, according to CNN. “This advertisement is disgusting and never should have appeared on our service,” said a company spokesperson. “We are so sorry we made the terrible mistake of allowing it through our review process. We are investigating how that happened so that we can make sure it never happens again.”

Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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