Twitter rolls out Bookmarks, a new way to save tweets

Twitter rolls out Bookmarks, a new way to save tweets

Today, Twitter is doing a global launch of its new feature called Bookmarks, which gives users a new way of saving the tweets they like and revisit at a later time. Before this feature, you could only like a tweet, but now you can save your favorite tweets without having to hit the heart button and directly engage with the tweet.

In a statement, Twitter said:

“We Tweeted ongoing updates as we built Bookmarks so we could incorporate your input as we worked. By working this way, we learned that you like to save replies so you can answer later and that you may share a Tweet hours or days later after you’ve bookmarked it. Thank you for being part of this process — your feedback was valuable in building this update, and it made it all the more fun for us as we built a new feature for you. As a result, we all have an easier way to save, share, and stay informed.”

One of the main difference here is that only you know the things you’ve saved, not the other user. This makes it for a more private and personal experience where you’re not constantly being tracked by everyone.”

Twitter rolls out Bookmarks, a new way to save tweets

To start bookmarking things, all you have to do is tap or click the new share icon beneath a tweet (the new icon is where the DM icon use to be). Aside from doing an official launch of Bookmarks, the company is using this update to move several sharing options into one place. You are now able to share a tweet via DM, share it elsewhere outside of the platform, or just bookmark it.

To access your Bookmarks, they are available in the main slide-out menu. Again, unlike where you have to like tweets, Bookmarks isn’t going to publicly notify anyone that you bookmarked their tweet, giving you a sense of needed-privacy. Twitter said that Bookmarks or any sort of “save for later” feature has been a top request from its users, and that’s why it’s rolling it out.

You can take advantage of Bookmarks today on Twitter for Android and iOS, Twitter Lite, and Twitter’s mobile website.

CategoriesMobile Tech Twitter
Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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