Verizon launches new Up customer loyalty program for free rewards

Verizon customers, rejoice! Another reason for you to love your carrier Verizon. The company just launched a Up loyalty program which will allow you to take advantage and earn some sweet rewards.

You can earn yourself up to four months of free Apple Music subscription, as well as many other perks in the rewards programs. All you have to do is be a Verizon customer to enroll in this program.

Verizon’s new Up program will include six new reward options every month, starting with free Apple Music and other rewards:

  • Apple Music reward: four months of free Apple Music subscription for new and existing customers. For existing customers, you get an additional month free.
  • JetBlue: get 20% off R/T flight and 1,000 TrueBlue loyalty points
  • HBO NOW: get first three months of HBO NOW subscription

Apple Music service will get you the first 3 months of service for free and will cost $9.99/mo. after the reward period ends.

If you’re a Lady Gaga fan, Verizon is launching a new limited promotion that gives Up members access to special seats for her U.S. tour. Here are more promised rewards:

  • Dream Tickets: get once-in-a-lifetime experiences such as tickets to NFL events including Kickoff in New England, 2018 Pro Bowl and Super Bowl LII.
  • Everyday Rewards: get free discounts and services to some of today’s most popular brands such as: Boxed, Electronic Arts, Headspace, and Amazon.
  • Super Tickets: get access to most popular sporting, music and entertainment events such as Broadway Shows and NFL.
  • Verizon Rewards: get up to $10 towards your next Verizon device purchase. You can also save these rewards and total it out to $240 off your next device purchase with Verizon. These rewards can also be used for accessories and even more data purchase.

It’s worth noting that if you do participate in this program, you will be subject to sharing your private information. In program terms, Verizon states that “we do not share information that identifies you personally outside of Verizon as part of this program other than with vendors and partners who do work for us.” In additional, they state that “we require that these vendors and partners protect the information and use it only for the services they are providing us.”

If you aren’t a Verizon customer already and are thinking to become a subscriber, it might not be a bad idea to hop on now. Current subscribers can join the Verizon Up program on their Verizon mobile app.

Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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