Monday Motivation: Be extra focused and hungry

The Jolt Journal (https://www.joltjournal.com)

After a great weekend, most don’t look forward to Monday’s. Why? Because you have to go to work, or attend class, or just go somewhere you don’t want to be. Here’s the thing: if you change your perspective and focus for Monday’s, then your entire week will go as planned and smoothly. Start your week off with a bang, not slow and slugging and become a top elite performer. How do you do it exactly? Let me share some tips with you that I use on a daily basis.

Take these very seriously and I guarantee you that results will follow:

  1. Make sure you’ve created a vision so that you don’t stop thinking about it and it doesn’t stop inspiring you. In fact, make it so inspiring it keeps you wide awake at night. Keep your daily focus and thoughts on achieving this vision. Once you have truly sold yourself on your vision that is when everything else will align.
  2. Realize most things make no difference, and aren’t moving your progress or business forward. In fact, most of the things you can do in your personal or business don’t accelerate growth—they just ‘maintain’ at best. Get rid of all the noise and only focus on the 10% of activity that has the best ROI for your life and business. Doing something unimportant well doesn’t make it any more important.
  3. To get the energy you must do the work, and follow through on your word. When you hustle and get things done you create energy within to take even more action. Also, make sure you are eating for vitality NOT just instant pleasure. What you put in your body has a lot to do with your focus, state of mind, and energy.
  4. Make sure you are ONLY associating with those who hold you accountable, raise your standards, and challenge you to think bigger, and NOT those who let you off the hook. Life is too short.
  5. Get rid of ALL negativity in your life. Toxic people love company and they have a problem for every solution. You must purposely surround themselves with elite thinkers who subconsciously level you up! Only align yourself with people who align with you.
  6. Make sure you start every day in a resourceful and confident state of mind. Define your highest value activity and spend the first 90 minutes doing that and NOTHING else. Your prizefighter routine either set’s you up for an amazing day or “just another day.”

Don’t forget that habits will always trump inspiration. Inspiration is needed to create consistent action, but your habits are ultimately going to define your success or failure. So let’s start this week executing the habits of the elite. If you start your Monday’s with the proper inspiration followed by the necessary actions, you will do whatever it takes to get to your goals.

Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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