Nintendo Fumbling Amidst Launch of PS4 and Xbox One

wii u 21:52 PM – During a time of the year normally filled with joy and glee Nintendo is struggling in attempts to stay competitive with the launches of the long awaited PS4 and Xbox One. While Nintendo’s most recent system had a considerable advantage in dropping one year or so prior to that of both the next gen consoles it doesn’t seem to be enough to get gamers to jump on their ship.

With the sales of both the Xbox One and PS4 dwarfing the sales of the Wii U within a matter of 24 hours Nintendo is hoping for massive sales this holiday season. Some may think it will see yet another price drop which begs the question how low can Nintendo go before it becomes a loss. The release of Super Mario 3D the number four Mario in half as many years had a rocky launch week. Many video game enthusiasts are still loyal to the Nintendo name and will pick up these consoles, hopefully that will be enough for now, at least until more games become available.

With their handheld gaming devices still popular Nintendo still has some fight in the industry. I for one have hope for the Wii U, I grew up playing Mario, Mario Kart as well as Super Smash Bros. all of which are titles that hold a place in every gamer’s heart and collection. We have two Wii systems in our apartment and my family has one, so they do have the ability to cross generations with video games (my mother plays the archery game on Wii Sports). If I was asked for my two cents I would advise to just ride this out and continue doing the work you have been doing for so many years.

What do you think Nintendo should do?

Source: Wired

Hamza Khalid

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