Apple sends out invitations for September 10 event at California HQ

appleeventOver the past few months, rumors started to grow about the fact that Apple will host an event on September 10 for the release of several products.  Today, according to a report from The Loop, Apple has sent out invitations to a an event.  The event is going to be held at the Cupertino, California headquarters.

The event will start at 10am Pacific / 1PM Eastern.  This finally puts rest to those rumors that were going around the announcement date.  For month, several credible sources such as The Wall Street Journal reported that Apple will be holding the event on September 10.  Well, it’s finally official.

So, what do you do now?  Well, for starters, if you are looking to get the new iPhone 5S, you should sell your previous generation iPhones.  Right now is the best time to get the most out of your previous iPhone.  There are several places you can sell your devices such as Gazelle where you can sell your iPhone instantly.  Other alternatives where you can get more money out of your iPhone are eBay and Craigslist.  You may also go to Best Buy and trade-in your iPhone for in store credit and when the new iPhones come out, you can use the in store credit towards the new iPhone purchase.

Apple is expected to announce the new iPhone 5S and a low-cost iPhone 5C on September 10.  Along with that, we may see several other announcements such as the refresh of the MacBook Pro line up.  Previously during the WWDC 2013 announcement, the MacBook Air’s received processor refresh with the new Haswell processors.  Apple is now expected to bring the new processors to their MacBook Pro line up.

There were previous rumors of Apple also announcing the new iPad 5 and Retina iPad mini, however it is highly unlikely that Apple will announce these products at the event.  Generally, Apple holds a separate event to announce different lines of products.  We may also not see the new Mac Pro being released right now.  The company may hold another event next month or sometime November to announce the next generation of the iPad series, along with releasing the Mac Pro, and shipments taking place as early as December for the holidays.

Who’s ready for the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C?

Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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