AT&T will soon flip the switch to enable video chats over cellular

Google-Hangouts640x312For quite some time now, AT&T has taken criticism over the fact that the company would not allow its customers to have video chats over cellular (3G/4G).  The company eventually came out and stated that the reason why they could not allow such activity on their network is because of the operating systems, manufacturers, and developers not being able to support it correctly, but eventually, the company admit that it was a something that had to be fixed on its end.

Preloaded apps such as FaceTime on Apple’s devices did not work over cellular.  The company at once point stated that certain data plans will only support video calling, meaning they would charge customers extra to use such features on their network.

However, things may soon change.  According to a new report from Android Community, Google Handouts recently issued an update that will surely make AT&T customers happy.  In this update, AT&T customers can now use Hangouts on 3G and 4G LTE network.

AT&T spokesperson recently stated:

This makes sense given what we’ve shared before: Throughout the second half of this year, we plan to enable pre-loaded video chat apps over cellular for all our customers, regardless of data plan or device; that work is underway and expected to be complete by year end.

The company has apparently gone through a change of heart.  No other carrier has a problem with such features running over cellular, except for AT&T.  Do you think AT&T has a change in heart, or will they charge you for this feature through something else, such as extra fees?

Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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