Emerging websites to post your advertisement for unique and increased number of views

5:05 PM   Now the year has couple of days left and we have seen lot of things in tech, political and world of internet. We have seen lot of start ups from the month of January to the last month of the year. Considering new trends and use in new technology there are various industries which has great potential of growth if you want to jump in. The social media gaming, IT security consulting, Data virtualization to name a few. The new new start ups are very innovative  and interactive. The user loves new and creative applications or platform to feed his  appetite for news, gaming and social media. There are amazing application and websites which has emerged in year 2013 and already a revenue mines.

As Apple has understood that user doesn’t care for advertise as long as  they are getting free application. Of course there are application which costs but its up to user . Here are some companies which has made millions in revenues through advertise and which are great platforms for advertising according to the number of users.

Buzzfeed : Its an entertainment and news website which post articles on almost every topic from music to politics . It post articles which has gone viral on the internet. The website has 34 Million views per month.

Taboola: Its a platform for sponsored recommended articles. It tailors you the news or feed you might like according to your interests. The platform help website for approx a billion recommendation  and around 300 million visitors. It surely helps in increasing the site traffic.

TripLift:  If you are using internet for long time you must have felt the difference in the advertising strategy. You must have experienced the difference in the ads which pops up on your desktop while browsing.Now you see small and interactive images as ad content. This is posted using the platforms like TripLift. The platform helps in delivering the best possible ad content to the user . It has been awarded the best start up in NY.

Disqus: Its a service or a platform for commenting. As the name suggest it provides a platform for users to carry out discussing in more serious and engaging manner. The platform is integrated easily with the other social media platforms. The platform is visited by large crowd and is in increasing popularity.

Songza:  You must have probably heard of it rather have used it. Its a great application for playing music. Whats amazing about the application is that it has options for playing songs according to your mood. The app accesses the time of your tab or mobile and present you with the possible moods. Now, the moods again has various playlists tailored for you. The playlists are specially edited by the company editors which will give you an amazing experience. The service is free but comes with ad. The app is well accepted by the mobile users and used widely. This is again a good platform to advertise for as there are and there will be large number of users who like music and use  this application.

There are lot more companies which are emerging in the competitive world and are getting millions of views. The trend in the Google play store is accepted at some level in the app store. Mobile advertising is a major area and will be a major industry in coming years considering the increasing mobile users.

Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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