2014 could be Microsoft’s year, a new partnership shows hope

microsoft_sony4:00 PM — Microsoft has been hard at work to make Windows Phone noticeable.  While Android and iOS continue to dominate the market, and BlackBerry on constant decline, now is Microsoft’s chance to come in a scoop up more market share.  Nokia has been a long standing partner with Microsoft.  It’s also rumored that Samsung may be jumping the boat with its own Windows Phone.  Now, a third yet very important partnership could make 2014 the year of Windows Phone.

According to a new report from The Information (via The Verge), Sony is exploring options to make a Windows Phone smartphone and introduce it to the market mid-2014.  This is a big opportunity for Microsoft seeing as Sony’s smartphones are well known around the world, have top-notch hardware such as cameras.  Even Apple uses Sony’s technology in the iPhone.

Sony and Microsoft may be enemies in the gaming console world, but in the mobile war, it seems the two are ready to pair up.  This will break the four-year ongoing exclusivity streak that Android has held on Sony’s side.  Windows Phone has a great chance to gain market share in market all over the world.   Sources close to the matter say that Sony has already provided Microsoft with designs for a Windows Phone.  Any products released under the partnership between the two would be branded as Sony Viao devices.

Negotiations between the two companies are still underway.  This does not mean everything is confirmed and things can still go downhill, however there is a high chance that Sony will introduce a new smartphone mid-2014 paired up with Windows Phone OS.  This is an excellent opportunity for Microsoft.

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Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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