Next Apple iPhone could arrive as early as May 2014

iphone59:30 AM  – The iPhone 5s and 5c have come and gone.  Now it’s time for us to focus our attention on the next iPhone.  Normally, Apple releases the iPhone sometime during the fall every year, however, according to a new report from sometimes reliable Digitimes, the next iPhone could come as early as May 2014.

Digitimes’ supply chain sources report that Apple is “rumored to be planning a larger size iPhone for May 2014, using a 20nm processor manufactured by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.”  We already know that Apple has been looking to expand its supply chain so it doesn’t entirely have to depend on Samsung for chips.  Currently, Samsung is the only company that has the production power to supply Apple with their desired volume.

There were no further specifications given about the next iPhone in the report.  Previous reports do suggest that Apple is looking to introduce two different screen sizes in the next iPhone.  Right now, we have the iPhone 5s which is a premium model, and then we have the 5c, which is a lower cost solution to the 5s.  Both come in 4-inch sizes.  Recent trend shows us that an increasing number of customers are opting to get devices with screen sizes of 5-inch or higher.  This may be the first time we see Apple following Samsung, since the Korean giant is the king right now in the phablet arena.  Digitimes also notes that Apple is looking to introduce a 12.9-inch sized iPad “Pro” in its tablet lineup.


Apple is rumored to release a 12.9-inch tablet in October 2014, targeting North America’s educational market, according to sources from the upstream supply chain.

In addition to tablets, Apple is also rumored to be planning a larger size iPhone for May 2014, using a 20nm processor manufactured by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the sources noted.[/quote]

Though this does seem unusual for Apple to release a device out of its normal schedule, the company may start releasing devices more often to compete with its competition.  Samsung is pouring out devices left and right, with the S5 smartphone rumored to debut as early a January of next year.  I honestly don’t think Apple would go off from its own routine just to compete.  The company has a long habit of waiting things out and releasing products and features when it sees fit.  Take LTE for example.  LTE was not introduced until the iPhone 5, yet other smartphones have had it for a few years before it.

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Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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