President Obama to meet top tech execs tomorrow regarding NSA spying and Obamacare site

rsz_1rsz_obama-desk-blog7:00 PM – Tomorrow, President Obama will be meeting with Silicon Valley’s top executives to discuss two very important matters (amongst other things, of course), according to a new report from TIME.  The two topics to be discussed are NSA spying and the troubling Obamacare website.

Since the launch of the Obamacare program, the government has had nothing but troubles.  From the initial launch, the site crashed instantly.  When the site was restored, the enrollment forms gave lots of errors to those trying to sign up for the program.  To this day, the Obama Administration is still having trouble trying to get things straight on the healthcare site.  Getting support from Silicon Valley’s top-level executives for the Healthcare site would prove huge for Obama Administration.  Critics have been nailing the President and the Healthcare site with negative reviews.

Here is a list of executives expected to attend tomorrow:

  • Tim Cook, CEO, Apple
  • Dick Costolo, CEO, Twitter
  • Chad Dickerson, CEO, Etsy
  • Reed Hastings, Co-Founder & CEO, Netflix
  • Drew Houston, Founder & CEO, Dropbox
  • Marissa Mayer, President and CEO, Yahoo!
  • Burke Norton, Chief Legal Officer, Salesforce
  • Mark Pincus, Founder, Chief Product Officer & Chairman, Zynga
  • Shervin Pishevar, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Sherpa Global
  • Brian Roberts, Chairman & CEO, Comcast
  • Erika Rottenberg, Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, LinkedIn
  • Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Facebook
  • Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman, Google
  • Brad Smith, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Microsoft
  • Randall Stephenson, Chairman & CEO, AT&T

Here is what a White House official said:

“Tomorrow, President Obama will meet with executives from leading tech companies to discuss progress made in addressing performance and capacity issues with HealthCare.Gov and how government can better deliver IT to maximize innovation, efficiency and customer service,” a White House official said. “The meeting will also address national security and the economic impacts of unauthorized intelligence disclosures.  Finally, the President will discuss ways his Administration can partner with the tech sector to further grow the economy, create jobs and address issues around income inequality and social mobility.”

Now, for the NSA spying.  The participating execs attending the meeting with President Obama obviously want more transparency from NSA controversial spying activities.  Many consumers and companies alike believe that NSA has stepped out of bounds many times, and continues to do so.  So far, there is no stop to it.  But perhaps after tomorrow’s meeting, something may emerge?

In recent news, a Federal judge rules that NSA’s phone data collection program is considered unconstitutional.  Several top-level tech executives have sent letters to the Obama Administration to express their concerns over what the NSA is doing.

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Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid is the Lead Editor at The Jolt Journal. You're more than welcome to follow him on Twitter and follow The Jolt Journal on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report something in this article, please send our team an email at info@joltjournal.com. This story may be updated at any time if new information surfaces.

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