Thanos is making his way to ‘Fornite’

If you’re a fan of Avengers: Infinity War movie, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is about to get a whole lot better for your Fornite fans. It appears that villain Thanos will be making a limited time appearance in Fortnite: Battle Royale starting on May 8th, according to Entertainment Weekly.

So, how is Thanos coming to Fornite going to affect the game? Well, it’s not. The average game length is about 20 minutes, so it should take a lot less time to see Thanos in-game. While a hundred players are battling it out, the difference here is that the Infinity Gauntlet resides somewhere on the map. If you manage to find it, you’ll transform into Thanos and “wield all the power that comes with him.”

Are you excited? I for sure will be launching up Fornite at a chance to become Thanos and take advantage of his almighty power.

Hamza Khalid

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